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Natalya Pazdnikova's Guide on How To Stay Sane And Survive Tough Times

Knowing how to stay sane while living in the era of mass information is crucial. To survive tough times in the modern world, you must actively learn to slow down and listen to your intuition. As a licensed psychologist with deep experience in spiritual practice, Natalya provides clear guidance in this post to help declutter your thoughts and bring you back in the present. Staying sane while surviving tough times is not an easy nowadays. Let Natalya guide you out and take you back to magic!


We are living in tough times, aren't we? How are you?

I think there are only a very few people on Earth who don’t think our world has gone mad. What do you think? We live in intense times! Today, technology forces people to live in an ultra-connected way. It is a closeness and availability we have never seen before in human history, yet at the same time we are in a way more separated than ever. Knowing how to stay sane and survive tough times is crucial for people of every era of course, but especially ours!

Depression, social anxiety, and failing marriages are very common in the modern world, and now we even have social distancing to strengthen these problems.

Statistics show that mental health disorders are much more common than ever before, but why is this happening? The core reason for mental destruction is due to a huge gap between how fast the economical and industrial world develops versus how slow the human body, brain and psyche naturally evolves. That's the main reason. There are more mental health issues nowadays because the human body and brain are not designed to receive the amount of information we are pressured to receive every day. This is important to realize to truly know how to stay sane in the modern world. It’s not an intelligence issue. It is an issue at the level of natural evolution of human body, brain and nervous system.

The human body is the most genius and complex self-regulatory system when compared to ANYTHING that will ever be created. You already know how to survive tough times within you! Your brain is genius and we will probably never be able to use it in it's full capacity. But you brain needs a proper care for it to serve you in the best way possible.


These days we receive as much information in just an hour as a regular person did in a whole day only 20 years ago. The level of global anxiety rises. Does this mean your body is failing you? NO! I wouldn’t put it that way because your body always knows what it needs. The problem is our inability to truly hear it and act on whatever it is saying. The trick on how to stay sane and survive tough times is in narrowing down all the external noise and listening to your own intuition, your internal guidance system, focus on hearing yourself and your own needs.. This is a priority.

Just as any complex system needs an environment to work properly, so do we. Our world is in a chaotic state with an unlimited amount of options of where we can place our focus. FOCUS IS YOUR MAIN HUMAN SUPERPOWER. To use this superpower you must understand the consequences of where you are directing this focus.

Imagine for a second that there is no more past and no certain future. Every second of life takes place NOW. It is the only moment we have any power in our lives.

Natalya Pazdnikova - A Certified Psychologist, Life and Spiritual Awakening Coach here to help you on your journey! Get an online therapy & spiritual guidance here...


These days we are overloaded with lots of information through social media content, news, drama, or events. Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, and although it does open up doors to different possibilities, it also complicates our lives. As a result, everything is speeding up. The speed of life has never been this fast, and so the need to slow down our minds has never been greater. Society has never seen the rates of suicide, divorce, or in family tragedies like we do today. The reason isn’t because of the wars going on outside, but the mental health wars going on within each individual. We need to learn how to stay sane by becoming more mindful of ourselves and our environment, live in a present moment instead of the chaotic mental illusions.

Let me take a guess. I’m sure it will be relevant for 90% of the people reading this. My guess is that you don’t give yourself the conditions for good quality rest and because of that you don’t sleep properly. I’m guessing that you don’t slow down your activities in the evening. When you eat, do you watch videos on the internet or on tv? Do you take quiet “me time” rituals like tea time or baths without your phone? Do you have a proper daily routine of good habits, sports and spiritual practices? We are indeed intellectually developed species, that is why we should use that intellect instead of hoping that things will work out somehow on their own. This approach won't work for our mental health living in our modern times. The growing amount of information calls us not only to filter it out, but also to create proper brain health routine.

We do our best to complete important tasks in life, but in the process we forget the most important task on how to stay sane, which is to have a routine for our own energy and mental health. How can you survive tough times without a peaceful mind? We rarely try to clear our mind intentionally, and instead most of us overstimulate it with more and more information. A lot of people these days can’t fall asleep without taking sleeping pills, watching a movie, or listening to podcasts.

Filling your brain with more information to overload and exhaust it to fall asleep – does this approach work in the long term? No it doesn’t! Not only are you postponing yourself from facing and fixing the problem now, but you are making the issue much harder to deal with in the future. An unfortunate truth is that we generally destroy our brains. We all know that balance is important with everything since everything in the universe strives for balance. So, when it comes to ourselves we should take the responsibility of knowing when to stimulate and when to relax our brain. That is the key to survive tough times - true balance.

Knowing how to stay sane while living in the era of mass information is crucial. To survive tough times in the modern world, you must actively learn to slow down and listen to your intuition. As a licensed psychologist with deep experience in spiritual practice, Natalya provides clear guidance in this post to help declutter your thoughts and bring you back in the present. Staying sane while surviving tough times is not an easy nowadays. Let Natalya guide you out and take you back to magic!

We are moving into the era of self-reliance and self-responsibility. This is the era where you have to listen to your body and intuition. This is the era where you can either be centered, healthy, and peaceful – or lost, anxious, and overwhelmed. This way of self-responsibility doesn’t come without making life changes. The more we neglect to make the necessary changes and implement healthy routine in our lives, the more we suffer and the more our reality gets complicated and overwhelming. This is a tendency - development of the modern world, things will only speed up and get more frustrating. This is a call for our personal responsibility to peacefully and successfully navigate ourselves through the chaos.


The dualities are rising and on one hand we can see the rise of the mental and physical health industries. On the other hand we see a great increase in mental and physical health issues. The gap between these two opposites is widening and it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY / PERSONAL CHOICE to jump on the correct side and grow with it. Choose to do it now, and then you won't have to catch up from the lowest point in your life – rock bottom. Those mental rock bottoms nowadays hit harder than ever. It's important to start learning how to stay sane during tough times sooner than later.

To survive tough times, you MUST get on board with learning how to relax yourself and how to quiet your mind. Here are some ideas to consider: have enough sleep, identify and cut out bad habits, stop scrolling through social media, go for walks in nature, eat well and healthy, take your vitamins, take baths, have a medical check up, exercise, drink a lot of water. Do whatever you have to do. Start following this path and trust that life will guide you in the right direction. When you listen to the most complex guiding system (your own body, your own soul’s intuition, YOURSELF) your path will unravel in front of you and you will be taken to where you need to be.

Do yourself a favor: repeatedly prioritize your own well being! If you are seeking to deeper understand yourself, then no amount of meditations, affirmations, reading books and articles will be as effective as the life transformational work that I, as a Certified Psychologist and Spiritual Awakening Coach, can assist you with. Click on the picture below to book a Self-Discovery Game where you will be able to UNDERSTAND, LOVE and ACCEPT yourself on a whole new level

Natalya Pazdnikova - A Certified Psychologist, Life and Spiritual Awakening Coach here to help you on your journey! Get an online therapy & spiritual guidance here...



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